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Lander, Freemont Co., Wyoming

Includes the following communities
Lander, Freemont Co., Wyoming

Lander is named for transcontinental explorer Frederick W. Lander.  Volga German families settled in and around Lander.

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families are known to have settled in Worland:

Appelhans from Rothammel
Bieber from Rothammel
Blehm from Kratzke
Fabrizius from Kratzke
Loos from Norka
VonFeldt from Herzog
Weber from Neu-Messer


- Mount Hope Cemetery Index (Dick Hudson)

42.833014, -108.730673

Volga Colonies

50.877, 45.227333
51.165, 45.313333
50.856917, 45.111667
51.494167, 46.710333
51.053088, 45.104377