Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., Oregon

Includes the following communities: 
Klamath Falls, Klamath Co., Oregon
Malin, Klamath Co., Oregon

Volga German families settled in and around Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Volga German Families: 

The following Volga German families settled in and around Klamath Falls, Oregon:

Adolph from Warenburg
Dalhaimer from Mariental
Denning from Herzog
DeWald from Hussenbach
Heile from Graf
Leiker from Ober-Monjou
Mueller from Stahl am Tarlyk
Rumbach from Ober-Monjou
Spetter from Kamenka
Spomer from Beideck
Steinbock from Köhler
Stoecklein from Zug

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Latitude: 51.583056
Longitude: 8.166667
Latitude: 50.595621
Longitude: 8.280825
Latitude: 49.050000
Longitude: 7.430000
Latitude: 50.302763
Longitude: 8.567866