
This is a gazetteer of the geographic locations that are important to the history of the Volga Germans worldwide. It is intended to help researchers identify a locale regardless of the names by which it has been known throughout the years.

Most of the settlements in Russia have been known by a variety of names in both the Russian and German languages, and these names have had a variety of spellings throughout the years. Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet while German uses the Latin alphabet. Translation/transliteration between these two alphabets is further complicated by the fact that today there are at least five primary languages spoken by the Volga Germans and their descendants: German, Russian, English, Spanish, and Portuguese. While the primary language of this website is English, it is hoped that this gazetteer will be useful in all languages.

Names See
Угольный, Балахтинский район, Красноярский край (Russia) Ugolnyy, Balakhtinsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai (Siberia)
Уктуз, Тюменская область (Russia) Uktuz, Tyumen Oblast (Siberia)
Умёт (Daughter Colonies) Rosenberg (Bergseite)
Унтервальден (Original Colonies) Meinhard
Унтердорф (Daughter Colonies) Unterdorf
Уральск (Daughter Colonies) Alexanderhöh
Урбах (Original Colonies) Urbach
Усатов (Daughter Colonies) Eckheim
Усовка (Original Colonies) Bangert
Устенбах (Original Colonies) Hussenbach
Усть-Грязнуха (Original Colonies) Göbel
Усть-Залиха (Original Colonies) Messer
Усть-Золиха (Original Colonies) Messer
Усть-Каменогорск, Восточно-Казахстанская область, Казахстан (Kazakhstan) Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan Region, Kazakhstan
Усть-Караман (Original Colonies) Enders
Усть-Кулалинка (Original Colonies) Galka
Усть-Лабинск, Усть-Лабинский район, Краснодарский край (Russia) Ust-Labinsk, Ust-Labinsk District, Krasnodar Krai (Siberia)
Усть-Лабинская, Усть-Лабинский район, Краснодарский край (Russia) Ust-Labinsk, Ust-Labinsk District, Krasnodar Krai (Siberia)