Includes the following communities
Olympia, Thurston Co., Washington
Tumwater, Thurston Co., Washington
Many Volga German families setled in Olympia, resettling from other parts of the Pacific Northwest.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families are known to have settled in and around Olympia, Washington:
Bartalamay from Walter
Berschauer from Kratzke
Deines from Kratzke
Dietz from Kratzke
Ditter from Frank
Hoff from Frank
Kanzler from Kolb
Karb from Blumenfeld
Kinderknecht from Mariental
Klamm from Warenburg
Klug from Köhler
Margheim from Merkel
Pfeifer from Herzog
Rohleder from Rohleder
Schessler from Walter
Schmidt from Katharinenstadt
External Links
- Olympia, Washington (Wikipedia)
Map showing the location of Olympia in Thurston County, Washington.
Source: Wikipedia.
47.0425, -122.893056
Volga Colonies
50.877, 45.227333
51.152333, 44.804167
50.926667, 46.076
51.510167, 46.631167
51.442, 46.739333
50.883333, 45.287167
51.083333, 44.816667
50.5695, 45.3835
51.083333, 44.816667
51.712816, 46.740787
51.494167, 46.710333
51.067667, 44.958333
50.34911, 46.750019
Migrated From
50.538611, 8.902778
50.365061, 8.636564
50.237222, 8.996667
52.783333, 12.05
52.516667, 13.388889
50.275, 9.371944
49.196733, 7.142494
50.225916, 9.348606
50.592778, 8.856389
50.718053, 9.631311
50.45, 9.916667