Includes the following communities
Medicine Hat, Alberta
Volga German families settled in and around Medicine Hat, Alberta.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Medicine Hat:
Berg from Galka
Borgens from Alexanderdorf (North Caucasus)
Danderfer from Seelmann
Deering from Norka
Degenhardt from Sewald
Elsasser from Galka
Keil from Galka
Kohlman from Schuck
May from Holstein
Morasch from Yagodnaya Polyana
Saklofsky from Dreispitz
Schick from Galka
Schiebelbein from Schuck
Schweigert from Hölzel
Wittig from Pobochnaya
External Links
- Medicine Hat (Wikipedia)
50.041667, -110.6775
Volga Colonies
51.970333, 45.604
50.867667, 45.155333
51.9125, 45.617333
50.782833, 45.330667
51.165, 45.313333
50.775, 46.053833
50.844946, 46.109267
50.376333, 45.798333
50.4195, 45.698333
50.366667, 45.66
51.083333, 44.816667
Migrated From
49.177344, 9.435479
53.735833, 18.930833
43.21, 2.35
50.6005, 9.722
48.541111, 10.233056
49.842708, 8.826458
49.293821, 8.964907
50.202829, 9.185764
49.745833, 8.115278