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Pierre Girard, son of Jean Pierre Girard & Marie Madeleine Mathieu, married in Ludweiler on 7 June 1740 to Maria Magdalena Weiter, daughter of Ulrich Weiter & Salome Regnitz.

Ross (Norka)

Martin Ross, a farmer, his wife Katharina, and son Johann Georg (age 17½) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 10 August 1766 aboard the Russian pink Vologda under the command of Lieutenant Sergey Bartenyev.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Norka on 18 August 1767.  Martin is recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 27 with his new wife, Anna Katharina, the widow of Christoph Schneider. The Schneider stepchildren are recorded there as well.

Richter (Norka)

Johannes Richter, son of Melchior Richter from Oberzell Amt Schwarzenfels (and a church elder [Kirchenältester] in Philippseich & Neuhof), married on 13 September 1736 in Philippseich to Anna Gill from Langen. The births of three of their children are recorded in Philippseich: (1) Johanna Gertraud, born 9 September 1737 in Philippseich, died 13 October 1757; (2) Johann Eckhardt, born 18 February 1740; and (3) Anna Magdalena, born 18 March 1743.


Andreas Nolde, a shoemaker (Schuhmacher) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 9 August 1766 aboard the pink Novaya Dvinka under the command of Lieutenant Perepechin.

He settled in the Volga German colony of Norka on 15 August 1767 and is recorded there along with his wife Margaretha (age 22) on the 1767 census in Household No. 18. Recorded with them in this household is Johannes Schlitt, but his relationship to Andreas Nolde is not recorded.

Andreas Nolde and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Norka in Household No. Nr085.

Mohr / Moor (Norka-2)

Johann Peter Mohr, son of Johann Nicolaus & Maria Magdalena Mohr, was born in Ruschberg. His baptism on 13 October 1736 is recorded in the parish register of the Reformed Church in Baumholder.

Peter Mohr (Lohr incorrectly recorded by Plehve), a farmer, his wife Elisabeth [sic], and daughter Maria Barbara (age 2½) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 29 July 1766 aboard the Apollo under the command of Skipper Friedrich Detloff Mörenberg.

Mohr / Moor (Norka-1)

Johann Moor, a farmer, his wife Katharina, and his sister [Sus]Anna Margaretha arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 10 August 1766 aboard the Russian pink Vologda under the command of Lieutenant Sergey Bartenyev.

The three arrived in the Volga German colony of Norka on 15 August 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 34.

Johannes Mohr, his wife Katharina, and children (Katharina, age 7; Johann Peter, age 3) are recorded on the 1775 census of Norka in Household No. 50.

Lohrei / Lohrey (Norka)

Johann Heinrich Lorey and his wife Anna Maria arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 9 August 1766 aboard the pink Novaya Dvinka under the command of Lieutenant Perepechin. He settled in the Volga German colony of Norka on 15 August 1767 where he is recorded on the 1767 census in Household No. 3 with a new wife, Maria Sibilla.

The Oranienbaum passenger list records that Johann Heinrich is a tailor while the 1767 census records that he is a craftsman (Handwerker).  Both of these documents record that he came from the German district of Isenburg.


According to the Neu-Isenburg Ortsfamilienbuch, Anthoine Delouze (born in Saint-Privat-de-Vallongue, Lozère, Languedoc-Roussillon, France) and his wife Anne Marguerite Engel had two children, both born in Neu-Isenburg: (1) Christian Louïs Deleouze, born 2 December 1744; and (2) Jeanne Marie Deleouze, born 25 February 1747.

Christian married Maria Eva Kayser on 10 April 1766 in Büdingen, and Jeanne Marie (Johanna Maria in German) married Johann Nicolaus Scheuermann on 11 April 1766 in Büdingen.

Bartholomäus (Philippsfeld)

Christian Bartholomäus, a single farmer, arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 12 September 1766 aboard the English frigate Love & Unity under the command of Skipper Thomas Fairfax.

Christian Bartholome is recorded on the list of colonists being transported from St. Petersburg to Saratov in 1767.

He has not been located on the 1767 census.

Christian Bartholomäus and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Philippsfeld in Household No. Pp18.

Stirtz / Stürtz (Norka)

Michael Stürtz, a farmer, his wife Katharina, and son Johann (age ½) arrived from Lübeck at the port of Oranienbaum on 19 July 1766 aboard the Russian galliot named Kronverk under the command of Lieutenant Dmitry Ilyin.  They settled in the Volga German colony of Norka on 15 August 1767 and are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 115.

Both the Oranienbaum passenger list and the 1767 census record that Michael Stürtz came from the German district of Isenburg.