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Hardt (Anton)

Johann Hardt, a blacksmith (Schmied), and his wife Eva Katharina settled in the Volga German colony of Anton on 28 April 1766. They are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 44.

Widower Johann Hardt and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Anton in Household No. An15. Johann Michael (senior) Hardt, believed to be the son of Johann Hardt, and his family are recorded on the 1798 census of Anton in Household No. An19.

Hahn (Anton)

There  are two Hahn families that settled in the Volga German colony of Anton on 18 July 1765. Their relationship to each other is not recorded, but they are presumed to be brothers.

(1) Adam Hahn (age 27), a farmer, his wife Anna Katharina, and children (Dorothea Elisabeth, age 4; Helena Margaretha, age 3; Johann Michael, age 1) are recorded on the 1767 census of Anton in Household No. 32.


Georg Bernhard Ganzhorn [sic], son of Johann Christoph Gansshorn [sic] (18 December 1694 - 3 November 1749) & Maria Elisabeth Werner (died 14 December 1750), was born 25 April 1747 in Bammental.

Bernhardt Ganshorn, a farmer, and his wife Eva Katharina are recorded on the 1767 census of Anton in Household No. 23 along with his sister Maria Elisabeth, the divorced wife of Philipp Bähr who is recorded in Household No. 39. They had settled there on 7 September 1764.

Rothe (Anton)

Konrad Rothe, a farmer, his wife Anna Maria, and children (Anna Margaretha, age 14; Johannes, age 4) are recorded on the 1767 census in Household No. 27. They had settled there on 28 March 1765.

The 1767 census records that Konrad Rothe came from the German village of Mosbach in the Kurpfalz region.


Hans Michael Reth, a farmer, immigrated to Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein).

Johann Michael Reth married Eva Catharina Krämer on 14 April 1760 in Altona, Denmark. They arrived in Fridericia on 1 May 1760.

The parish register of the Reformed Church in Fredericia [Denmark] records on 27 March 1761 the baptism of Eva Catharina Rent [sic], daughter of Johann Michael Rent [sic]. Her death is recorded on 4 August 1761 in the parish register of Vorbasse Sogn.

Metzger (Anton)

Johann Georg Metzger, his unnamed wife, and four unnamed children immigrated to Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein) arriving in Flensburg on 24 July 1762. They petitioned for release from the Danish colonies on 1 May 1765 and joined the migration to Russia.

They settled in the Volga German colony of Anton on 28 April 1766.

Johann Georg Metzger, his wife Anna Margaretha, and children (Elisabeth, age 15; Katharina Elisabeth, age 11; Johann Georg, age 9) are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 40. Oldest son Nikolaus and his new wife are recorded in Household No. 41.


Konrad Kletter, his unnamed wife, and daughters (Johanna, age 5; Margaretha, age 3½) immigrated to Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein) in December 1760. They are last recorded among the Danish colonies on 26 April 1763.

They joined the migration to Russia and settled in the Volga German colony of Anton on 7 September 1764.

Keil (Anton)

Johann Peter Keil, his wife Charlotte, an unnamed son (age 2½), and an unnamed daughter (age ½) immigrated to Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein) arriving in Viborg in October 1759. They are last recorded among the Danish colonies on 26 April 1763.

They joined the migration to Russia and settled in the Volga German colony of Anton 28 March 1765.

Peter Keil, his wife Charlotta Wilhelmina, and children (Johann Georg, age 7; Johann Philipp, age 3½; Eva Elisabeth, age 1) are recorded there on the 1767 census in Household No. 28.

Frank (Anton)

Johann Georg Frank, a tailor (Schneider), and his wife Anna Elisabeth are recorded on the 1767 census of Anton in Household No. 60 along with her children (Johannes Stork, age 19; Anna Katharina Stork, age 11; Ludwig Stork, age ¾). They had settled there on 1 September 1767.

The 1767 census records that Johann Georg Frank came from the German region of Isenburg.