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Lingle, Goshen Co., Wyoming

Includes the following communities
Lingle, Goshen Co., Wyoming

Volga German families settled in and around Lingle, Wyoming.

Volga German Congregations

St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church was organized in 1917. The church building was completed in 1918. The congregation dissolved its membership and closed in 1958.

The following pastors served the congregation of St. Paul's:

Rev. Steinmark (1918-1922)
W. K. Schulz (1923-1930)
H. F. W. Jesdinsky (1930-1934)
J. Roth (1934-1937)
Fred J. Drucker (1938-1939)
Elias Hergert (1940-1943)
Rev. Erbes John W. Schnackenburg (1945)
Henry Daumgaertel

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families are known to have settled in and around Lingle:

Deines from Neu-Norka
Eisenach from Frank
Frank from Kautz
Heil from Lauwe
Hill from Walter
Kautz from Merkel
Leikam from Laub
Lind from Dönhof
Morgheim from Merkel
Nedens from Gnadentau
Reitz from Kukkus
Reizenstein from Grimm
Strohman from Dietel
Wacker from Norka
Weitzel from Norka

Notable Individuals

Wind Pudding and Rabbit Tracks: A History of Goshen County (Torrington WY, 1989): 86.


Hillcrest Cemetery (

42.136354, -104.345508

Volga Colonies

50.883333, 45.287167
51.0315, 46.072667
51.165, 45.313333
51.152333, 44.804167
51.057833, 46.0205
51.005833, 45.466667
50.898333, 45.17
50.886333, 45.489333
51.090667, 45.950167
51.083333, 44.816667
50.909167, 45.121667
50.3383, 45.3622
50.504833, 46.518833