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Riverton, Fremont Co., Wyoming

Includes the following communities
Riverton, Fremont Co., Wyoming
Arapahoe, Fremont Co., Wyoming
Jeffrey City, Fremont Co., Wyoming
Shoshoni, Fremont Co., Wyoming

The expansion of Volga German settlement in Riverton is an extension of the sugarbeet industry in Montana.

Volga German Congregations

St. Margaret's Catholic Church
Trinity Lutheran Church

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families are known to have settled in and around Riverton:

Ahlbrandt / Albrandt from Grimm
Appelhans from Rothammel
Behm from Dönhof
Bieber from Rothammel
Dreher from Neu-Ober-Monjou
Ehrlich from Shcherbakovka
Fabrizius from Kratzke
Heberlein from Walter
Hettinger from Dietel
Hilzer from Norka
Jeager (Yeager) from Norka
Jekel from Wiesenmüller
Kechter from Kolb
Leikam from Laub
Lungren from Franzosen
Rein from Ährenfeld
Starck from Anton
Sterkel from Norka
Strohman from Dietel
Weber from Neu-Messer
Willmann from Messer


- Mountain View Cemetery (Cheryl E. Belding)
- World War 1 Draft Registrations (Cheryl E. Belding)

43.024959, -108.380104

Volga Colonies

50.877, 45.227333
50.856917, 45.111667
51.165, 45.313333
50.974667, 45.551333
50.489167, 45.687167
51.152333, 44.804167
51.0315, 46.072667
51.005833, 45.466667
50.789167, 45.481667
50.886333, 45.489333
50.898333, 45.17
51.067667, 44.958333
51.0375, 45.8575
50.636167, 46.4745
51.053088, 45.104377
51.283333, 47.016667
50.726833, 47.050167