Includes the following communities
Dighton, Lane Co., Kansas
Volga German families settled in and around the community of Dighton, Kansas.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Dighton:
Bahm from Kutter
Bott from Norka
Filbert from Schilling
Foos from Friedenfeld
Fritz from Friedenfeld
Funk from Hussenbach
Heronemus from Warenburg
Hinkel from Kutter
Reifschneider from Kutter
Riebel from Neu-Kolonie
Roth from Pfeifer
Schupman from Schönchen
Stremel from Kamenka
Suppes from Pfeifer
Volga Colonies
External Links
- Dighton, Kansas (Wikipedia)
38.481389, -100.465
Volga Colonies
51.187667, 45.7845
50.64, 45.395
51.033833, 45.537667
50.926667, 46.076
51.863333, 47.093667
51.165, 45.313333
50.733333, 45.766667
50.886667, 44.83
50.693333, 45.424667
50.783167, 47.044
Migrated From
49.46878, 7.448513
49.683639, 8.672361
50.533333, 8.99
50.359722, 7.461667
49.96666, 9.15
50.637778, 9.394444
50.318209, 9.229098
50.273889, 9.095
49.573595, 7.710573
49.915654, 8.892577