Ellsworth, Ellsworth Co., Kansas

Includes the following communities: 
Ellsworth, Ellsworth Co., Kansas
Kanopolis, Ellsworth Co., Kansas

The city is named for Fort Ellsworth, which had been built in 1864. With the arrival of the railroad, the town earned a roudy reputation.

Volga German Families: 

The following Volga German families settled in and around Ellsworth, Kansas:

Befort from Katharinenstadt
Feil from Dreispitz
Hill from Langenfeld
Katzendorn from Zug
Rohr from Mariental
Schmidt from Pfeifer
Stang from Volmer
Steinle from Dreispitz
Stoppel from Nieder-Monjou
Toepfer from Fischer
Waymaster from Dietel
Weimaster from Dietel

Pre-Volga Origin

Volga Colonies

Latitude: 48.714722
Longitude: 9.523611
Latitude: 49.292500
Longitude: 6.535000
Latitude: 50.359722
Longitude: 7.461667
Latitude: 50.992698
Longitude: 9.451937
Latitude: 49.237741
Longitude: 9.601385
Latitude: 49.618062
Longitude: 9.594612
Latitude: 49.915654
Longitude: 8.892577