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Newton, Harvey Co., Kansas

Includes the following communities
Newton, Harvey Co., Kansas
Halstead, Harvey Co., Kansas
Sedgwick, Harvey Co., Kansas

Most of the Germans from Russia in the Newton area are of Mennonite heritage from the southern regions of Russia near Odessa. However, some Volga German families also settled in and around Newton, Kansas.

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around Newton, Kansas:

Bernhardt from Galka
Bieker from Ober-Monjou
Bott from Norka
Brungardt from Herzog
Dechant from Wittmann
Dietz from Kratzke
Dinkel from Herzog
Dome from Pfeifer
Geis from Neu-Messer
Giskie from Merkel
Gittlein from Pfeifer
Hanhardt from Kutter
Herl from Wittmann
Jacobs from Pfeifer
Krug from Kratzke
Lang from Kamenka
Leiker from Ober-Monjou
Mohr from Beideck
Schreiner from Herzog
Schuber from Straßburg
Schuckman from Schönchen
Stang from Volmer
Walters from Katharinenstadt
Wegele from Neu-Laub
Wiesner from Kamenka

38.046667, -97.345

Volga Colonies

50.877, 45.227333
51.890064, 47.156874
51.863333, 47.093667
51.165, 45.313333
51.736667, 46.8445
50.64, 45.395
50.732433, 45.443279
50.883333, 45.287167
51.033833, 45.537667
50.376333, 45.798333
51.494167, 46.710333
51.712816, 46.740787
50.693333, 45.424667
51.170833, 45.663333
50.2, 46.673667
51.053088, 45.104377
51.2, 46.65