Includes the following communities
Larned, Pawnee Co., Kansas
Seward, Stafford Co., Kansas
Volga German families settled in and around Larned, Kansas.
Volga German Families
The following Volga German families settled in and around Larned, Kansas:
Basgall from Rothammel
Dechant from Ober-Monjou
Dreiling from Herzog
Filbert from Schilling
Foos from Friedenfeld
Gross from Mariental
Hanhardt from Kutter
Hertel from Ober-Monjou
Hinkel from Kutter
Kaeberle from Pfeifer
Korbe from Mariental
Kreutzer from Liebental
Legleiter from Liebental
Maier from Kratzke
Meier from Louis
Rohr from Mariental
Ruder from Wittmann
Scheideman from Norka
Schmidtberger from Herzog
Spreier from Dietel
Staab from Katharinenstadt
Urban from Kamenka
VonFeldt from Herzog
Wittig from Schönfeld
Wolf from Neu-Ober-Monjou
External Links
- Larned, Kansas (Wikipedia)
38.182222, -99.10166
Volga Colonies
50.877, 45.227333
51.890064, 47.156874
51.187667, 45.7845
50.856917, 45.111667
51.165, 45.313333
51.033833, 45.537667
51.379167, 46.85
51.442, 46.739333
51.736667, 46.8445
50.64, 45.395
50.898333, 45.17
50.693333, 45.424667
51.494167, 46.710333
51.125, 47.366667
51.2975, 46.861333
51.283333, 47.016667
50.783167, 47.044
Migrated From
50.835534, 9.742092
49.683333, 10.933333
49.683639, 8.672361
49.851389, 7.527222
49.691773, 11.629102
49.2, 12.516667
49.016667, 12.083333
49.2925, 6.535
49.960278, 9.772222
49.05, 7.43
49.977846, 9.968141
54.033333, 19.05
48.988624, 8.543432
49.135819, 7.323896
50.225916, 9.348606
49.573595, 7.710573