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Hastings, Adams Co., Nebraska

Includes the following communities
Hastings, Adams Co., Nebraska
Prosser, Adams Co., Nebraska
Juniata, Adams Co., Nebraska

In August, 1876, five families from Kolb arrived in Hastings. They were joined by families from Merkel, Frank, and Norka. The greatest number arrived between 1905 and 1912 when 350 Volga German families settled in the southern part of the community. By the 1920 census, there were 783 Volga Germans living in Hastings.

The German-Russian settlement in Hastings was located south of the Burlington Railroad tracks. That area can be separated into two distinct communities, divided by Burlington Avenue. The first community, located west of Burlington Avenue, was primarily settled by people from the German colonies of Kolb, Merkel, and Frank. This settlement stretched from Burlington Avenue on the east to Sewell Avenue on the west, and was centered between West A and West E Streets. The largest concentration occurred between Garfield and Boston and A and E Streets. These settlers were mainly Evangelical Lutheran or Congregationalist. They attended either St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church on New York Avenue and C Street or the Free Evangelical Lutheran Church, Congregational Synod (also known as New York Avenue Congregational Church), also located on New York Avenue.

The second settlement was located east of Burlington Avenue, between East South and East B Streets and from Cedar to Minnesota Avenues. The settlers in this area were mainly from the colony of Norka. The earliest houses were built during the 1880s although the majority were constructed between 1900 and 1912. The main street of the southeastern community was East South Street.

Volga German Congregations

Emmanuel German Congregational Church
First German Congregational Church
New York Avenue Congregational Church
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Zion Lutheran Church

Volga German Families

The following Volga German families settled in and around Hastings, Nebraska:

Achzig from Kolb
Adler from Kolb
Alles from Walter
Bauer from Frank
Beideck from Beideck
Borgens from Frank
Brehm from Brunnental
Brungard from Frank
Bruntz from Merkel
Debus from Kukkus
Demler from Laub
Eckardt from Laub
Frick from Frank
Glantz from Norka
Haberman from Balzer
Hamburg from Walter
Hamburger from Norka
Heil from Lauwe
Hein from Frank
Herbst from Frank
Hohnstein from Norka
Hopp from Frank
Horst from Kolb
Juggert from Kolb
Kechter from Kolb
Kindsvater from Brunnental
Kleiber from Norka
Koch from Kolb
Lapp from Frank
Lesser from Frank
Lissman from Dönhof
Maul from Norka
Niederhaus from Huck
Reiter from Kautz
Repp from Norka
Rosenoff from Kolb
Schäfer from Frank
Scheierman from Kolb
Schmer from Norka
Schneidemiller from Hussenbach
Schwabauer from Huck
Starkel from Norka
Stramel from Kamenka
Uhrich from Frank
Weidenkeller from Norka
Yaeger from Norka
Yager from Norka
Yost from Norka


- Adams County : Nebraska Historic Buildings Survey (Lincoln, NE: Nebraska State Historical Society, 1999): chapter 7. (online)
- Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlement in the United States (Fargo, ND: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974): 43.

40.586258, -98.389873

Volga Colonies

51.152333, 44.804167
51.0315, 46.072667
50.883333, 45.287167
51.165, 45.313333
51.057833, 46.0205
51.072833, 45.383833
51.005833, 45.466667
51.170833, 45.663333
51.067667, 44.958333
50.693333, 45.424667
51.083333, 44.816667
50.909167, 45.121667
51.090667, 45.950167
50.886667, 44.83
51.025, 45.696667
50.864167, 46.489833

Migrated From

50.260556, 9.003611
50.187222, 9.156111
50.425675, 9.891911
50.412745, 9.007876
50.412745, 9.007876
49.813163, 9.03946
50.362683, 9.14354
50.286296, 9.111384
50.287156, 8.844207